Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Toilet ... of Doom

I hate our toilet. Normally I'm sure people don't talk about this subject ... but I'm about to ... so here's your warning - if you don't wanna know, stop reading ...

Allow me to set the scene , so it's 3:30 in the morning ... I have a need, in my middle-of-the-night-still-half-asleep state, to use the restroom. I proceed out of our bedroom door and down the hall to our bathroom. I finish my very brief, but necessary, business and proceed to flush. (Which was, apparently, my first mistake ... note to self - don't flush anymore ... okay - so I can't do that, but you get the point.) It doesn't flush properly the first time and demands a second flush. This in and of itself is not all that strange or out of character for our toilet, so I flush again. Now, saving you the details, let's just say that there's a certain way that our toilet prefers to be flushed ... and so that is just what I did. (Mistake number two.) Suddenly, I am whipped out of my middle-of-the-night-still-half-asleep state by the sound of water hitting our bathroom floor. (I hate this stinking toilet.) Now, I feel it important to mention here that Tyler hasn't slept recently and so this evening (about 4 hours ago) he took a sleeping pill that requires 8 hours of sleep. So, I stand in the bathroom, now in a more middle-of-the-night-angry-I-have-to-wake-up state, in my jammies, plunging the toilet ... and all because 15 mins ago, I woke up and needed to twinkle. Very quickly I become aware of the fact that my feet are cold and wet ... grr ... so I begin throwing things that are normally on the floor of our bathroom into the halway or tub (depending on if I can tell if they're already wet or not). After very few moments of plunging (thankfully, for everyone/thing involved), the toilet flushes (now the third time I've had to flush). Okay ... move into clean up. Monday is my laundry day. However, last afternoon/evening we went down to Lima to see my Gramma who was having computer/printer issues. We have a good deal going with her ... we're her tech support and she feeds us for coming down to help - last night it was Fat Jack's Pizza ... mmm ... Now, while that may all seem nice and good, but not really a part of the story - here's the tie in ... I didn't finish the laundry Monday. Thankfully, I still had the load of kitchen and bath towels, socks, and grody t-shirts (we were painting and working on a house last week ...) left. However, it was late when we got home from Lima, and I was tired. So, I had just left a load in the dryer and one in the washer (not the towels, etc. load) and gone to bed. So, at 3:45 this morning, I pulled the clothes out of the dryer, put the wash load into the dryer, turned it on, and reloaded the washer with the towels, etc. load (now a bit more towel laden from drying the bathroom floor and toilet) and turned it on. Time to wash the floor. Ahh ... I see that we're out of Swiffer Wet Jet juice ... and I think to myself - $100, there's not a new bottle on the shelf with the other cleaning stuff ... thank heavens I was wrong ... I'm already so close to screaming here that a turn for the worse at this point would not be pretty. Okay ... so three moppings later our bathroom floor is clean again. However, out of a bit of fear, I have yet to put everything back where it normally lives on our bathroom floor. The other part of it is that the stuff that normally sits on the floor was in the water just a few moments ago and I don't really feel like washing it all right now ...
And so here I sit, at 4:10 in the morning ... cleaner bathroom floor, laundry running, staring at a new load that has to be done (the rug in the bathroom must now be bathed this week), and having to use the restroom again - but now debating if it's worth the possible clean up that may follow ...
But Iron Chef is on, so I'm happy ... I miss the original, not that I don't love watching Good Eats at 11, but I still miss Iron Chef. Tonight's battle - pineapple ... mmm ...
And Tyler has slept through all of the events of the last hour ... good ... he needs the rest ...

(edit ... as I was reading my final copy that posted to my blog, I noticed that the time stamp isn't right ... I have fussed with the thing so much and can't get it right ... so, if you can tell me how to fix it, that'd be much appreciated ... okay ...back to Iron Chef ...)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

catch up

So Tyler and I have put in more work at Ryan and Andrea's new house. It looks soooooo good over there ... no thanks to us :P ...
Yesterday we went and primed trim, painted beadboard, sized walls for paper, hung kitchen cabinets, and (perhaps most importantly) had lunch. Today I went over for a couple of hours and cleaned. Their kitchen is ready to move in. So is their laundry room. (Well ... minus the fact that the floor is still the sub floor for the ceramic tiles that will go down eventually ...) Their office needs mopped. The floors and stairs were all swept. I felt bad that I didn't get more done, but I ran out of time and it was SUPER HOT over there ... I know it was a help, but I would have liked to have had more to show for my 2 hours there. They're planning on moving all of their stuff over tomorrow ... dunno if Tyler's planning on us going over for that or not. I know that we have a lunch date after church already though ... guess we'll see how long we're chatting with them ...
Last night we took some friends up on a dinner invite. It was super yummyful. We stayed WAY too late ... but the fun was much needed and was totally worth it. Tonight, some of our friends came over. This couple is just moving back to Ohio, so we don't get to see them much ... well now they're going to be just about an hour away (as opposed to the 4 that they were), so we should see them more often. It's been really good for me and for my spirits (I'm guessing it's the same for Tyler) to be around friends lately. Always a good time!
It's late and church is early, so I'm out of here ...
please continue to pray for us - we can feel your prayers holding us up :)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Job Saga

So I had a job that I liked. I really had fun ... but there have been some fishy things going on lately ... I can't work for someone I don't trust. So I'm not there anymore. While I'd love to recount the situation and events of the last couple of weeks (for that would be far more interesting reading), I don't think it wise to do ... even if I removed all names and genders of people ...
We'll just say ...


okay ... on to more fun things ...

So recently, some of our friends bought a house. YAY for them! We've been helping them prep their new house ... we went over last weekend and painted a second coat in their office, on half of the dining room trim, and helped hang the beadboard in the dining room. It was good fun ... and good experience. So, after all that work, we went over to their current house (renting) and had dindin with them ... yummy ... grilled food ... summer feast ... mmmmmmmmm ....
Sunday, Andrea called me and asked me to take her place on the church trip to King's Island today with the middle schoolers. Now, I have job applications out and didn't want to be gone all day or unable to attend an interview because of this trip. So I made her a counter offer - she could go to King's Island and I'd go to their house and pack today. So, I'm going over to pack today ... :P ... Truth be told, I'd much rather pack then go to an amusement park. I'm just not a roller coaster person.
Also on tap for today: I MUST go to Curves. I haven't been enough yet this month and still need to get several trips in to hit my 12 for the month. I need to finish the laundry today (sheets and towels still left to do) and complete the ironing (which I started yesterday ...). The house NEEDS cleaned ... really cleaned ... not just picked up. Our small group Bible study is meeting here this week - so I have till Thursday afternoon to get that done. Gee, I sure have a lot yet to do ... Tyler said he might go over with me tonight and help for a bit, but I don't wanna end up counting on that - he has to drive to Dayton for training today and who knows how tired he'll be or even what time he'll get home tonight ...

Off to start (well ... continue) my day!

This time ...

two years ago, today, I was eating breakfast. yeah ... I know ... that doesn't seem like such a big deal ... I eat breakfast most days. However, this day two years ago breakfast was different. I stood in the kitchen at my mom's house with my mom, Deidra, Caryn, Amy, Laurie, Mandy, and Crystal ... rarely in my life have there been that many people in my mom's house at once, never have there been so many girls. So here's what was different ... this time, two years ago, I was eating my last breakfast as a Daniels woman ... for in just 7 short hours, Daniels wouldn't be my name anymore. I know it wasn't all that long ago ... but I still remember it like it was yesterday. (I hope in 50 years that it's still this clear.)

Happy Anniversary, my love! Here's to the first 2 and the next (at least) 50 to come!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

buh-bye MySpace

and so it goes ...

MySpace is not going to updated anymore ... just this blog ... I'm tired of the junk attached to MySpace.

If you'd care to catch up on what's been going on (minus the last couple of months) then check it out here.

I promise to update more later ... a lot has gone on in the last several weeks.