Thursday, December 27, 2007

Office Space

I am not ashamed to admit - there are just some days in life where you feel the undeniable urge to watch Office Space. There is something strangely panaceatic (yeah ... made up a word) about it.

And today, as I was taking the Office Space quiz that I was challenged to on Facebook, I learned something very sad to me. Tyler has never seen it. Not only has he never seen it, he has no desire to see it. That's sad. I believe there's something in Office Space for everyone. And Tyler doesn't know what it holds for him.

That's sad to me.

(On a completely different note - I was also going to blog about lunch today, but Tyler didn't have to work this afternoon and beat me to it ... so please go read his blog - as it is close to what I would have said.)

1 comment:

Dri said...

We LOVE Office Space. There was a stretch of time it was on T.V. all the time on Saturday afternoons!

"I believe you have my stapler."