Tuesday, June 24, 2008

David Hasselhoff

and his judging "abilities" make Randy Jackson seem coherent and insightful.

What does that say about America's Got Talent?

... not that we don't enjoy the show ... just saying ...

A woman of few words ...

is what I currently am ...

Tyler was sick last week. He had no voice on Wednesday and very little voice on Thursday. He was so kind as to share his illness with me ...

I made it to noon yesterday at work. Tried to get up and get ready this morning - couldn't do it. No voice still ... fever ... coughing ...

Thank you darling for sharing your illness with me. You're so kind and considerate.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

We've Decided

that the world would be a "better" place if we had:

Zellner - the YouTube Channel

You know you would watch.